TC22- A Nozzle Melt thermocouple is a specialized temperature sensor that incorporates a thermocouple probe within a bolt , enabling precise temperature
measurement of molten plastic in injection molding and extrusion process. This design allows for secure installation onto equipment, ensuring direct contact with the
molten plastic in injection molding and plastic extruder. This construction is most widely used in plastic molding machines, plastic extrusion machines and other
extrusion process where temperature monitoring is critical.
Key Feature:-
· Thermocouple sensor integrated with bolt for easy, direct and secure mounting.
· Ensures accurate temperature measurement of metal surfaces with direct contact.
· Available in Type J, K, T, or E to match specific temperature requirements.
· Available in different thread sizes and lengths to suit multiple applications.
· Quickly detects temperature changes for effective monitoring and ensure fast response time.
· Available with different wire lengths and insulation types for various environments.
· Suitable for temperature measurement of high vibration applications
· Available in IEC 60584 & ANSI MC 96.1 standard tolerances
Application Note
The TC22 Nozzle melt Thermocouple is widely used in the plastics and rubber industry for precise temperature monitoring. In injection molding, it is essential for nozzle extensions and manifolds, to ensure consistent temperature control for high-quality molding. It also plays a crucial role in compression platens, providing accurate readings for uniform heat distribution during material pressing. In packaging applications, TC22 ensures optimal temperatures for sealing and molding processes, improving efficiency and product quality. Its reliability and accuracy make it indispensable for maintaining consistency and performance in these critical manufacturing processes.